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Osteopathy for Babies & Children


Was the birth of your baby potentially distressing on their body?

The birth process can be one of the most intense events in a person's life. Babies experience significant pressure as they move and contort to pass through their mother's pelvis. A baby's head is designed to adapt to this pressure. 

The small bones in their head will overlap and shape to fit through the birth canal, known as 'molding.' In the first few days of life, babies undergo a process called 'unmoulding,' where any strain from birth is released, and balance is restored. Activities like yawning, sucking, and crying aid in this process.


In some cases, the molding of a baby's head may be retained, especially if the birth was challenging, such as a long or very short labor, or if interventions like ventouse or forceps were used.


Due to the compression and squeezing experienced during birth, various parts of the baby's head and body may hold stress and tension, leading to potential discomfort.


A baby may express discomfort through being unsettled, irritable, or wakeful. Newborns may show symptoms such as stiffness in neck muscles, favoring one side of the head, or restricted jaw movement.


At The Osteopathic Pelvic Hub, our trained osteopaths can detect and address strain patterns in babies' bodies using a gentle technique called cranial osteopathy. It's important to note that absolutely no manipulation is performed on our baby, infant, or young child patients.

Osteopathy and children of all ages


At The Osteopathic Pelvic Hub, we have observed that osteopathic treatment can be highly effective for the following conditions:



Injuries in children


As osteopaths, we believe that it can be beneficial for your child to undergo an osteopathic assessment and treatment after experiencing a major fall or multiple smaller falls.


Although children can often bounce back from falls, some trauma may be retained in their tissues and joints, potentially leading to reduced flexibility in muscles and joints. This may contribute to strains later in life.


Your osteopath can identify and address any stress and strain present through treatment, improving the flexibility in ligaments, muscles and joints to help prevent further problems.

Children’s sporting injuries


Sporting injuries are also common in children and our osteopaths have experience in treating various sporting injuries in both adults and children, including:


  • Swimmer's shoulder

  • Lower back injuries

  • Groin sprain

  • Hamstring strain

  • Corked thigh

  • Osteitis pubis

  • Patella tracking disorder

  • ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL sprain or tear

  • Meniscus injuries

  • Shin splints and stress fractures

  • Compartment syndrome

  • Calf strain or tear

  • Ankle sprain

  • Achilles sprain

  • Osgood Schlatter's

  • Scheuermann's disease.


FAQs about osteopathy for babies & children


What is cranial osteopathy and how can it help my child?

Cranial osteopaths are skilled in detecting a subtle, whole-body motion called the Primary Respiratory Mechanism (PRM) or cranial mechanism, which exists in all tissues. They can diagnose strains that might hinder optimal health expression and gently aid the body's natural self-healing mechanism to release these strains and restore health and balance.


What to expect from your child’s osteopathic treatment?

Before the initial appointment:

  • Try to schedule the appointment at a time when your child is generally settled.

  • Ensure your child/baby has had a snack before the treatment.

  • Bring along their favourite toys/books to keep them occupied during the session.


During the treatment:

  • A thorough case history will be taken, followed by relevant physical, orthopedic, and osteopathic examinations.

  • Your osteopath will discuss their findings and provide a preliminary diagnosis before starting the treatment.

  • The treatment involves hands-on techniques to help the body restore its natural balance, alignment, and function.


After the treatment:

  • Babies/children may sleep well after the session.

  • Occasionally, there might be a period of restlessness lasting from 24 to 48 hours.

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